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Gold IRA Companies

Who were voted our 5 Best Gold IRA Companies for 2025?CLICK HERE

Showing 1-105 of 105 results

Selecting Appropriate Gold IRA Companies

As with any purchase involving a significant amount of money, it’s essential you carry out proper due diligence on your selected shortlist of gold IRA companies.

As an impartial directory we can’t advise on any specific company, but our top-rated company in the IRA category is currently Goldco.

Whichever company you choose to use for your precious metals IRA investments, carry out at least the following basic checks and safeguards:

  • Examine the gold IRA company’s profile, rating and reviews both here at Bullion.Directory and on our favorite 3rd party review site The Better Business Bureau.
  • Be wary of glowing company reviews on websites you don’t recognize, especially reviews that end “don’t buy from X, buy from Y”. There are multiple ongoing court cases concerning 100’s of fake review sites discovered to be under control of the companies being reviewed.
  • Ensure the company lists a working phone number and physical company address on their site – the more methods you have to contact your chosen company the better.
  • Check out the company listing on LinkedIn – most gold companies will have their own listing, or at least listings for their top employees and management. Do they seem an authority in their field?
  • If the company is an LLC (Limited Liability Company) visit the website for the secretary of state or division of corporations of the company’s state – and do a search on the company. You may be surprised at what you find out.
  • Finally, phone the gold IRA company up – speak to someone and get a feel for the company. Are you being given the hard-sell? Do they seem like the kind of people you’d hand over $50,000 to?

While none of the checks can 100% guarantee you’ll be in safe hands (10 major US gold dealers went out of business between 2014-2024, through bankruptcy, amidst fraud and miss-selling charges) at least you’re not going in blind and with any investment, knowledge is power.

And remember – when you’ve dealt with your chosen gold IRA company, please share your experiences on Bullion.Directory, good or bad – and help future investors make the correct decisions for their retirement choices.