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Precious Metals Analysis

Two Undeniable Gold Trends Coming In 2024

Two Undeniable Gold Trends Coming In 2024

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving precious metals and the overall economy. Stories include: Are the comparisons with 2008-2011 in gold holding up? The World Gold Council’s 2024 outlook for gold and China’s gold-buying streak extends to 14 months…

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Bitcoin Is No Substitute for Gold

Bitcoin Is No Substitute for Gold

Some proponents still market the crypto asset as “digital gold.” That combined with the dramatic rally in bitcoin prices over the past year means there are plenty of interested investors. There are good reasons to own bitcoin, but they are not the same reasons to own physical gold…

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Bidenomics Impacts Retirement Accounts

Bidenomics Impacts Retirement Accounts

Bidenomics might have a number of fans at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But among regular Americans? The data suggests, “Not so much.” Officials at the White House aren’t using the term as often as they once did. They seem to be concerned about evidence that it’s been landing with something of a dull thud lately…

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The Bidenomics Job Creation Myth

The Bidenomics Job Creation Myth

The White House is busy leveraging the media to tout the headline 216,000 jobs that were added in December. That was a whole lot more than the 170,000 economists predicted. The administration is eager to tell you this is a strong finish to 2023’s spectacular job growth. Bidenomics is winning! Lets look more closely at the propaganda…

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A Pause is a Pause, Nothing Else

A Pause is a Pause, Nothing Else

Why did the miners’ decline pause? Might this be a bottom? In short, it might, but it’s highly unlikely that this is indeed a bottom. Yesterday’s pause is natural given the support that miners are encountering and given the situation in the USD Index. Let’s start with the latter…

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The Reckoning in Pension Funds Draws Closer

The Reckoning in Pension Funds Draws Closer

The outlook for pension systems is growing increasingly dire. Promises made to retirees have been generous and they can only be kept if prices for all kinds of assets move consistently higher. The trouble is that the past three years don’t look like the first twenty years of the century…

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The Stock Market is in Trouble

The Stock Market is in Trouble

Something’s brewing and it doesn’t take a genius to see the signals and read between the lines… The three major stock indices, S+P 500, Dow Jones, and NASDAQ composite have had late afternoon declines five out of the last six trading days. The Dow Jones made a new all-time high on January 2, 2024 but the S+P 500 and NASDAQ Composite did not follow

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Rallies? Nope. These Are Breakdown Verifications

Rallies? Nope. These Are Breakdown Verifications

Some rallies – being breathers within declines – are not bullish. And that’s what we see in gold and silver today. Before moving to the precious metals sector, let’s take a look at the currency markets as what’s happening there is one of the key building blocks for the situation in the gold, silver and miners.

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Central-Bank Forecasting: A Legacy of Inflation?

Central-Bank Forecasting: A Legacy of Inflation?

Here in the United States, the annual inflation rate – as measured by the headline consumer price index (CPI) – reached above 9% in June 2022. At the time, it was the fastest annual inflation rate in nearly 41 years. Since then, the inflation rate has steadily subsided, coming in slightly north of 3% in November. Significantly better, to be sure… but still an issue

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America’s Fiat Money Gestapo

America’s Fiat Money Gestapo

There is an untold story in American monetary history. Some are reluctant even to discuss it. I’m referring to the U.S. Secret Service’s very own role in the destruction of sound money in America. As federal government central planners began circulating unbacked paper proxies, they formed a Gestapo-like police agency to enforce the scheme.

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Gold Price Bottom or Just a Breather?

Gold Price Bottom or Just a Breather?

Every time gold moves back up, the same question emerges – was that THE bottom? The key thing for gold is the massive weekly reversal that formed over two weeks ago, and we saw another weekly reversal last week. The implications are very bearish for the weeks to come…

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Here’s Why 2024 May Be Gold’s Best Year Ever

Here’s Why 2024 May Be Gold’s Best Year Ever

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving precious metals and the economy. Stories include: A decade of gold in review, forecasters call for $2,200 gold in 2024 and physical gold bullion is coming to a retail store near you. With a decade of Your News to Know), we felt like doing an overview of the stories that stood out the most.

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Outlook 2024: Gold Set to Make History

Outlook 2024: Gold Set to Make History

The gold market is poised to make history in 2024. It enters the New Year within striking distance of new all-time highs. How high will gold go? Much depends on how low interest rates and the U.S. dollar go. The Federal Reserve ended its rate hiking campaign last fall. It is expected to pivot toward monetary easing later this year…

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The American Dream vs. Bidenomics… This Is Getting Ugly

The American Dream vs. Bidenomics… This Is Getting Ugly

Back when inflation was heating up to historic levels in July 2022, President Biden tried to downplay inflation as “unacceptably high” but “not as bad as it looks.” The truth was actually pretty dire back then, as an increasing percentage of Americans were struggling to afford putting food on their tables. In fact, they still are right now.

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Sound Money Movement Strikes Gold in 2023

Sound Money Movement Strikes Gold in 2023

Against the backdrop of high inflation rates and geopolitical uncertainty, states are increasingly enacting measures that encourage saving in precious metals and even using gold and silver as money. With five bills signed into law in 2023, sound money reforms are gaining momentum across the United States.

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AI Will Change Everything, Especially Your Retirement

AI Will Change Everything, Especially Your Retirement

There is a phrase you will hear a lot over the coming decade: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Not that you haven’t heard it already. But thanks to multiple major breakthroughs in 2017, like how language is used across different AI development efforts, innovation has accelerated at a breakneck pace. And there’s no sign of it slowing down.

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Why Gold and Silver Just Surged

Why Gold and Silver Just Surged

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving precious metals and the overall economy. Stories include: Reflecting on recent gold price changes, China’s obsession with safe-haven gold and could central banks break last year’s gold buying record?

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Copper Bullion – Pros and Cons

Copper Bullion – Pros and Cons

Demand for copper has been rising at bullion dealers. The number of products available has also risen dramatically in recent years. Mints and refiners are responding to increased demand with a wide variety of new copper rounds and bars with some interesting designs. The number of questions we get from clients has been rising, along with the interest.

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Central Banker Reveals Why They Are “All In” on Gold

Central Banker Reveals Why They Are “All In” on Gold

The pace at which the world’s central banks have been accumulating gold has been nothing short of relentless. Central banks bought more gold in 2022 than in any other year up to that point: 1,078 metric tons. And given the pace at which central banks are continuing to buy gold this year, it’s very possible 2023 will see a new record total

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Bidenomics is Bankrupting the Nation

Bidenomics is Bankrupting the Nation

Back in July, we reported on the Bidenomic “pay cut” of $5,600 per year that every American has suffered during Biden’s term. Unfortunately, the failures of Biden’s economic policies are starting to pile up. They’re almost impossible to ignore already. The media won’t be able to put a positive spin on it for much longer…

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“Unsustainable” Fiscal Outlook: Where’s the Tipping Point?

“Unsustainable” Fiscal Outlook: Where’s the Tipping Point?

We know it’s been an unfortunate year for fiscal management in the United States. The year has seen a contentious debt-ceiling standoff resolved in just the nick of time; a reduction in the nation’s credit rating for only the second time ever; and a budget stalemate leading to the removal of a House speaker from his job for the first time in history.

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Important Analogy for the Markets – Including Gold

Important Analogy for the Markets - Including Gold

Some say that war never changes, and in some aspects, that’s true. But markets’ reactions to war are also remarkably similar. What I’m going to start today’s analysis with is not something you’ll read in many places. Usually, analysts are either following just the technicals or just the fundamental aspects of a given market. But the true edge comes from…

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What Happens to Gold Price When it Finally Rebounds?

What Happens to Gold Price When it Finally Rebounds?

After testing new highs, gold is likely to move far, up or down. Previously, I wrote that the price of gold was about to decline after its massive reversal and that’s exactly what happened. The decline is now likely to continue, but there’s a good chance that we’ll see at least a small rebound from $2,000 or slightly higher levels.

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Sound Money Scholarship Awards $13,500 to 9 Outstanding Students

Sound Money Scholarship Awards $13,500 to 9 Outstanding Students

“The overwhelming interest in the 2023 Sound Money Scholarship was deeply heartening. At a time not only of high inflation and bank instability but also when states are advancing dozens of sound money bills, this fundamentally important issue is reaching an inflection point”

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Gold Price at New Highs? Sellers Say NO.

Gold Price at New Highs? Sellers Say NO.

The huge rally in gold and the monstrous decline that followed provided a sign of epic proportions. Gold price’s huge-volume reversal is the last thing that anyone even remotely interested in the precious metals market should ignore. The Gold price was just soaring to new highs like there was no tomorrow, and then it happened.

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New Gold Price Record Stuns Analysts

New Gold Price Record Stuns Analysts

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: Gold passes $2,100 to post a new all-time high, the only two solutions to the global debt crisis aren’t applicable, and a recent government study returns some very rough inflation data.

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Bidenomics Is Bankrupting Americans, and Here’s the Proof

Bidenomics Is Bankrupting Americans, and Here’s the Proof

Despite President Biden’s insistence that the U.S. is experiencing the “greatest economic recovery ever,” the evidence suggests otherwise. In fact, the U.S. economy could be heading for one of the most painful periods of economic turmoil of the last 15 years. And it’s all thanks to the disastrous policies known as “Bidenomics.”

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Has the American Dream Died?

Has the American Dream Died?

A minority of citizens say American dream “still holds true” as half of Americans earn less than $3,400 per month. As inflation soared in 2022 and the Federal Reserve set about the task of reining price pressures in with a singular, surgical focus on raising interest rates, sentiment among consumers struggled in the face of those headwinds…

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