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Here’s Why Gold is King of the Commodities

Here's Why Gold is King of the Commodities

In a recent analysis, the World Gold Council commented that we are entering a commodities supercycle. Between higher inflation and shortages of basic materials expected for the foreseeable future, it’s not a difficult notion to entertain. And out of the various commodities, gold is once again emerging as a shoo-in for the top spot.

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The Story of Silver’s Future as Money Is Yet Untold

The Story of Silver’s Future as Money Is Yet Untold

In addition to the white metal’s growing uses in high-tech and alternative energy industries, some silver bulls are banking on rising bullion demand by retail investors and a possible reinvigoration of its use as currency…

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Bond King Declares: Financial Assets Are ‘Garbage’

Bond King Declares: Financial Assets Are ‘Garbage’

“Bond King” Bill Gross warns that stocks and bonds could become tantamount to garbage. Gross sees inflation, coupled with waning demand for Treasuries by foreign central banks, forcing bond yields to rise.

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Is THIS Why Wall Street Talking Heads Are Ignoring ‘FedBubble’?

Is THIS Why Wall Street Talking Heads Are Ignoring 'FedBubble'?

How can you tell when a big economic bubble is forming? When Wall Street tells Main Street, ‘It’s not a bubble.’ The old joke goes: “How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? Their lips are moving.” Now there is a new joke, according to Charles Hugh Smith…

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It’s Your Retirement: Shouldn’t You Decide How to Save?

It's Your Retirement: Shouldn't You Decide How to Save?

The days of pensions, however, are pretty much over. Nearly every corporation rebelled against the uncertain, long-term costs associated with securing their former employees’ retirements. Instead, they argued for (and got) a different kind of employee retirement benefit…

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“Gold is Your Insurance Premium” in an Uncertain Market

"Gold is Your Insurance Premium" in an Uncertain Market

Wall Street stock brokers coined the phrase “Put 10% of your portfolio in gold and hope it doesn’t go up.” There’s a very good reason for this. When gold’s price is steady, or posting mild gains, that means there’s no market mayhem going on. Gold’s two previous all-time highs, in 2020 and 2011, both came during times of enormous global distress.

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Where Does YOUR Profit Come from?

Where Does YOUR Profit Come from?

A few recent articles bring to the public’s awareness that wealthy investors are preferring not to sell their assets, and thereby pay capital gains taxes. Instead, they borrow against them, on margin…

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When is the Time to Sell Precious Metals?

When is the Time to Sell Precious Metals?

Humans are emotional creatures and studies show most of us make poor choices when it comes to timing. If you are making a snap decision to sell (or buy) based upon a surge of either fear or greed, odds are you will regret it.

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Where do Gold and Silver Prices Go Next?

Where do Gold and Silver Prices Go Next?

One way to look at the price of gold, is that it dropped from its high around $1,900 in early June… Another way is to zoom out, and look at the big picture…

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Expectations for Fed Tightening Are Misplaced

Expectations for Fed Tightening Are Misplaced

Fed watchers found some hints about interest-rate tightening in the just-released FOMC’s July meeting minutes. That was all it took to rattle Wall Street. Stocks have since recovered some of the initial losses, but it looks like history is about to repeat.

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Inflation May Be Poised to Pop Stock Bubble

Inflation May Be Poised to Pop Stock Bubble

The markets are severely overvalued, according to both the Buffett Indicator and the Schiller P/E ratio. Taken together, these are a reliable indicator that Wall Street isn’t thinking clearly…

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This Coming Inflation is NOT ‘Transitory’

This Coming Inflation is NOT 'Transitory'

I don’t believe that the inflation we’re seeing – especially in the U.S. – is in FedSpeak, “transitory.” The indications and real-world price-increase in so many things I want to buy, if they’re in stock, are growing, and unlikely to go back down anytime soon.

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Will the U.S. Currency Regime Fall?

Will the U.S. Currency Regime Fall?

The U.S. government’s nearly two-decade-long, multi-trillion-dollar “nation building” effort in Afghanistan may now have nothing to show for itself. Unsurprisingly, they didn’t see it coming. Central planners almost never do.

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Gold Vs Crypto: Which Is The Better Investment?

Gold Vs Crypto: Which Is The Better Investment?

Gold and cryptocurrency are two of the most popular assets for investors today. Learn which of the two is the better investment option for your portfolio, your goals and your circumstances.

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50 Years After Tricky Dicky’s Dick Move

50 Years After Tricky Dicky's Dick Move

Sometimes, bad luck can strike. But other times, a catastrophe comes from a series of bad decisions, each the reaction to the consequences of the previous one. On August 15, 1971, President Nixon decreed that the US dollar would no longer be redeemable for the gold owed, even to foreign governments

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More Money Does NOT Mean More Wealth

More Money Does NOT Mean More Wealth

The Federal Reserve has targeted a 2% inflation rate for years, as though it’s a holy grail. As though 2% inflation was an economic panacea that would perfectly balance employment, business investment and bank lending. Recently, the Fed has loosened the reins on inflation and let it charge ahead. Quite a bit…

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Gold Standard: An Economists’ Punching Bag?

Gold Standard: An Economists’ Punching Bag?

Most gyms have a punching bag in the corner. When someone feels frustrated or wants to show off, he can hit it. The gold standard is the punching bag in the economists’ gym. In an InsideSources op-ed, David Beckworth and Patrick Horan argue, “A new gold standard would do much more harm than good.”

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Debt Ceiling and Budget Battles to Underpin Gold Prices

Debt Ceiling and Budget Battles to Underpin Gold Prices

A mysterious $4 billion sell order – suspiciously placed during the most illiquid time of the day – caused a waterfall $100 decline in gold prices while silver dropped in tandem by over $1.30 per ounce. Among the major issues investors are eyeing this month is the debate over the federal debt…

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Silver Price Smash or Rorschach Test?

Silver Price Smash or Rorschach Test?

This is significant, as it’s what one expects to see if the post-Covid bull market in silver is still intact. Leveraged speculators are just trying to front-run whatever move they expect next. They do not move and hold the price durably.

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Bullion Investors Hang Tight…

Bullion Investors Hang Tight...

It is often excruciating to own metal when the short run price action is completely disconnected from fundamentals. The price smash in the last couple trading days is a case in point. Nobody can make a coherent fundamental case for the move lower. It is best to simply remember there are very good reasons to own physical metal…

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Gold and Silver Rebound From ‘Flash Crash’

Gold and Silver Rebound From 'Flash Crash'

GOLD AND SILVER PRICES stabilised from a flash crash to hit 4 and 8-month lows respectively at the start of Asian trading today due to low liquidity and Fed tapering fears, while oil slid further on concerns over new coronavirus related restrictions in Asia.

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The Rarest American Silver Eagles

The Rarest American Silver Eagles

The American Silver Eagle series, which turned 35 this year, is the most widely collected and popular modern U.S. coin series that is sought by collectors all over the world. You have probably heard about the increase in demand for these coins…

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What’s Going to Happen When the Debt Comes Due?

What's Going to Happen When the Debt Comes Due?

How they decide to answer it – or evade it, as the case may be – will have profound implications for investors and anyone who holds U.S. dollars. For months, the financial media has been running stories about how the pandemic led to a surge in savings…

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Credit Suisse: Gold (At Least) 10% Undervalued

Credit Suisse: Gold (At Least) 10% Undervalued

Bond yields are telling us gold should sit at $2,000: A recent analysis by Credit Suisse suggests that gold’s price is quite a ways off from where it should be. According to the bank’s analysts, gold’s current fair value is around $1,914 when taking into account market conditions.

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Going For Gold: Building a Winning Portfolio

Going For Gold: Building a Winning Portfolio

In a yield-starved environment where bonds and cash are returning less than inflation, there are no guarantees. But there are certainly opportunities outside of fixed income instruments. Investors who try to sprint their way to success risk hurting themselves in the process. Going for fast-moving penny stocks or cryptocurrencies can lead…

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Moving from Gold-Redeemable to Irredeemable Currency

Moving from Gold-Redeemable to Irredeemable Currency

The government’s liabilities are the assets of everyone else: individuals, pension and insurance funds, commercial banks, and the Federal reserve. All of these parties lend to the government, though often without knowing.

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The Enduring Numismatic Legacy of Adolph Weinman

The Enduring Numismatic Legacy of Adolph Weinman

Weinman is either the second most influential coin designer in our history after Augustus Saint-Gaudens, whom he knew well and worked with for years, or is tied with him given the large number of coins with his design that have been minted

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Retirement Fear and the Nobel Prize Solution

Retirement Fear and the Nobel Prize Solution

One thing is certain, we sure are living in strange times and for retirement savers, that can also mean levels of anxiety that rise a lot faster than IRA balances. From mistakes anyone can make that could derail their retirement, to ongoing market volatility that the media claims is a “good thing,” there are…

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