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Mint Products

1 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating

(1 review for Mint Products)

Mint Products

28 Daniel Plummer Rd Ste 1
NH 03045-2570

(603) 622-2922

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1 review for Mint Products

  1. Fred
    1 out of 5

     – :

    Mintproducts, where do I start? Some weird stuff would happen. You would get the “your order has been shipped” email but the mail would arrive several weeks late. Are they double selling? I would only buy 100 dollars worth at a time for the free shipping in case I got ripped off. Well, I never got my last order. I got the “shipped” email, I opened an USPS investigation… still haven’t gotten it. I think they double sold it and then never followed up on it.

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