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Analysts Say Gold About To Have A Massive Bull Run

Analysts Say Gold About To Have A Massive Bull Run

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving precious metals and the overall economy. Stories include: CPM Group says 2024 and 2025 will be even better for gold, why silver stayed dormant in 2023, and gold is getting pricey in Egypt…

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As We Hit 1666 Listings Why Do I Feel Uneasy?

As We Hit 1666 Listings Why Do I Feel Uneasy?

Now I’m not a particularly superstitious person, nor am I religious, but just having THAT number center stage on our home page feels weird. I know that 1666 listings, should be no different than 1665 or 1667, and yet this is a number that’s giving me a bit of pause. And stuff like this impacts gold.

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Governor Greg Abbott Delivers Vote of No Confidence

Governor Greg Abbott Delivers Vote of No Confidence

Texas Governor Greg Abbott gave up on the Biden administration doing much to secure his state’s border with Mexico. As an estimated 6 million people, including large numbers of fighting age men, have been pouring illegally into border states over the past 3 years, Abbot has started using the Texas national guard and state police to put up barriers.

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Why Should I Store My Precious Metals Offshore?

Why Should I Store My Precious Metals Offshore?

“Why should I consider storing my gold and silver offshore? What are the advantages?” George W. in California has been noticing a growing trend among gold investors for storing at least a portion of their precious metals offshore. He wants to know why and what can be gained from it.

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Business Defaults Soar in Adverse Rate Environment

Business Defaults Soar in Adverse Rate Environment

This week, we’re going to use our binoculars to get a closer look at the corporate debt cliff that’s starting to form…and also try to ascertain to what degree companies – and investors – can count on a change in the rate environment to lower the risks of slipping over the edge.

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We Regret to Inform You, Janet Yellen is at it Again.

We Regret to Inform You, Janet Yellen is at it Again.

We regret to inform you, Janet Yellen is at it again. This time, it appears like she’s campaigning for another Biden term by highlighting his economic “success.” After all, he probably needs all the campaign help he can get. Yellen’s “strategy” isn’t all that novel. She seems to be starting by leveraging Biden’s infrastructure spending but…

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Nearly Everyone Falls For These Two Savings Traps

Nearly Everyone Falls For These Two Savings Traps

While quite a few personal finance pundits have suggested that savers can expect a 12% annual return, when you incorporate the impact of volatility and inflation, 7% is a more accurate historical estimate for an aggressive investor and 5% would be more realistic for a more conservative saver.

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US National Insolvency Draws Closer

US National Insolvency Draws Closer

Bullion investors are naturally concerned about unsound monetary and fiscal policy. Many of them buy precious metals, in part, because they recognize the federal government is out of control when it comes to borrowing and spending. This makes the most recent betrayal by the Republicans in the House of Representatives relevant to our readers.

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A Little Good News on Inflation Doesn’t Cover the Bad

A Little Good News on Inflation Doesn't Cover the Bad

After 3 years of relentless (sometimes historic) inflation, it’s about time some good news made its way through the economic carnage. Some categories of goods have finally moved into deflationary pricing. That is, a handful of items are starting actually decline in price. Better late than never, even though all consumer price inflation isn’t deflationary just yet.

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The Gold Yield Movement Advances

The Gold Yield Movement Advances

I launched this business with a simple thesis. Interest will draw gold into the market; without interest, gold disappears into private hoards. The obvious reason is that people want a return. Without a return, they put their gold away and seek to avoid risk. A return provides an incentive to bring out the gold. Everyone wants to make a profit.

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Wisconsin Lawmakers Look to End Sales Tax on Gold and Silver

Wisconsin Lawmakers Look to End Sales Tax on Gold and Silver

A large bipartisan contingent of Wisconsin legislators have reintroduced legislation seeking to end Wisconsin’s outdated practice taxing purchases of gold and silver. Assembly Bill 29 and Senate Bill 33, primarily sponsored by Rep. Shae Sortwell and Sen. Duey Strobel (R – Saukville), respectively, would align Wisconsin with the policies of 43 other U.S. states.

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Two Undeniable Gold Trends Coming In 2024

Two Undeniable Gold Trends Coming In 2024

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving precious metals and the overall economy. Stories include: Are the comparisons with 2008-2011 in gold holding up? The World Gold Council’s 2024 outlook for gold and China’s gold-buying streak extends to 14 months…

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Bitcoin Is No Substitute for Gold

Bitcoin Is No Substitute for Gold

Some proponents still market the crypto asset as “digital gold.” That combined with the dramatic rally in bitcoin prices over the past year means there are plenty of interested investors. There are good reasons to own bitcoin, but they are not the same reasons to own physical gold…

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What is Better for Trading? Physical Gold, ETFs or CFDs?

What is Better for Trading? Physical Gold, ETFs or CFDs?

Which of the following is better for trading gold? The physical metal, gold ETFs or Gold CFDs? Brian in London wrote asking for recommendations as to the best gold trading vehicle, looking at trading physical metals, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and Contracts for Difference (CFDs).

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Bidenomics Impacts Retirement Accounts

Bidenomics Impacts Retirement Accounts

Bidenomics might have a number of fans at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But among regular Americans? The data suggests, “Not so much.” Officials at the White House aren’t using the term as often as they once did. They seem to be concerned about evidence that it’s been landing with something of a dull thud lately…

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The Bidenomics Job Creation Myth

The Bidenomics Job Creation Myth

The White House is busy leveraging the media to tout the headline 216,000 jobs that were added in December. That was a whole lot more than the 170,000 economists predicted. The administration is eager to tell you this is a strong finish to 2023’s spectacular job growth. Bidenomics is winning! Lets look more closely at the propaganda…

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A Pause is a Pause, Nothing Else

A Pause is a Pause, Nothing Else

Why did the miners’ decline pause? Might this be a bottom? In short, it might, but it’s highly unlikely that this is indeed a bottom. Yesterday’s pause is natural given the support that miners are encountering and given the situation in the USD Index. Let’s start with the latter…

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The Reckoning in Pension Funds Draws Closer

The Reckoning in Pension Funds Draws Closer

The outlook for pension systems is growing increasingly dire. Promises made to retirees have been generous and they can only be kept if prices for all kinds of assets move consistently higher. The trouble is that the past three years don’t look like the first twenty years of the century…

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Bullion.Directory Used in Ghana Gold Scam

Bullion.Directory Used in Ghana Gold Scam

In an unexpected twist to the typical Ghanaian advance fee scam using gold as the bait, Bullion.Directory UK has now become an unknowing ‘headquarters’ for this fraud. Here’s today’s example from our ‘affiliate’ Eric Gillibrand (and there’s no way this is his actual name)

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The Stock Market is in Trouble

The Stock Market is in Trouble

Something’s brewing and it doesn’t take a genius to see the signals and read between the lines… The three major stock indices, S+P 500, Dow Jones, and NASDAQ composite have had late afternoon declines five out of the last six trading days. The Dow Jones made a new all-time high on January 2, 2024 but the S+P 500 and NASDAQ Composite did not follow

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Rallies? Nope. These Are Breakdown Verifications

Rallies? Nope. These Are Breakdown Verifications

Some rallies – being breathers within declines – are not bullish. And that’s what we see in gold and silver today. Before moving to the precious metals sector, let’s take a look at the currency markets as what’s happening there is one of the key building blocks for the situation in the gold, silver and miners.

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Central-Bank Forecasting: A Legacy of Inflation?

Central-Bank Forecasting: A Legacy of Inflation?

Here in the United States, the annual inflation rate – as measured by the headline consumer price index (CPI) – reached above 9% in June 2022. At the time, it was the fastest annual inflation rate in nearly 41 years. Since then, the inflation rate has steadily subsided, coming in slightly north of 3% in November. Significantly better, to be sure… but still an issue

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America’s Fiat Money Gestapo

America’s Fiat Money Gestapo

There is an untold story in American monetary history. Some are reluctant even to discuss it. I’m referring to the U.S. Secret Service’s very own role in the destruction of sound money in America. As federal government central planners began circulating unbacked paper proxies, they formed a Gestapo-like police agency to enforce the scheme.

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Gold Price Bottom or Just a Breather?

Gold Price Bottom or Just a Breather?

Every time gold moves back up, the same question emerges – was that THE bottom? The key thing for gold is the massive weekly reversal that formed over two weeks ago, and we saw another weekly reversal last week. The implications are very bearish for the weeks to come…

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Here’s Why 2024 May Be Gold’s Best Year Ever

Here’s Why 2024 May Be Gold’s Best Year Ever

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving precious metals and the economy. Stories include: A decade of gold in review, forecasters call for $2,200 gold in 2024 and physical gold bullion is coming to a retail store near you. With a decade of Your News to Know), we felt like doing an overview of the stories that stood out the most.

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Outlook 2024: Gold Set to Make History

Outlook 2024: Gold Set to Make History

The gold market is poised to make history in 2024. It enters the New Year within striking distance of new all-time highs. How high will gold go? Much depends on how low interest rates and the U.S. dollar go. The Federal Reserve ended its rate hiking campaign last fall. It is expected to pivot toward monetary easing later this year…

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How Much Money Do You Need to Start a Gold IRA?

How Much Money Do You Need to Start a Gold IRA?

Question: I want to jump on the Gold IRA bandwagon but am struggling with how much I’d need in gold to properly hedge my other investments. What would you say is a minimum or maximum? What other factors will eat into my investment?

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What is the Difference Between Numismatic and Collectable Coins?

What is the Difference Between Numismatic and Collectable Coins?

Amelia in Minnesota is wondering what the differences are between numismatic, collectible and ancient coins – and if there are any risks to look out for as a new investor. In the world of gold and silver investment, precious metal coins aren’t always simply coins. They can be gateways to history, art – and sometimes – a tidy profit.

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