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Watson CPA Group


Watson CPA Group

9475 Briar Village Point
Suite 325
Colorado Springs, 80920

Tel: (719) 387-9800

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From the Watson CPA Group website:

The Watson CPA Group is not only a group of Colorado Springs CPAs or number crunchers- we are tax and business consultants and our firm will take you through the cycles of your personal and business lives. Many accountants are only compliance oriented, and while IRS compliance is critical, being proactive is equally important.

Not every business runs the same or has the same needs. We want to ask the appropriate questions, listen, and develop a game plan that works for you. Topics such as entity structure, health insurance, retirement planning, executive fringe benefits, 401k and profit sharing plans, educational assistance programs, health reimbursement arrangements and accountable plans are just some of the areas that define the form and function of today’s business. Square pegs don’t go in round holes- we’ll find the right solution for you and your business.

Services / Products Available

availabilityIRA Tax Professional
availabilityIRA Attorney
availabilityGold IRA / 401k Advice

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