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Postal address only:
Griffin House
Station Road
LS27 8JW

0843 289 1749

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From the Mad-4Silver website:

Mad-4Silver was born six years ago out of a longstanding passion and enthusiasm for all things silver. What began as a personal interest has turned into an exciting journey that we now share with many. At Mad-4silver we have over the years obtained a profound and adept knowledge of both silver bullion and coinage.

At Mad-4Silver you will find most of the latest coin releases from the major mints, as well as issuing authorities from Europe, USA and other overseas locations. You will find something to add to your collection, including specialist and rare coins.

Services / Products Available

availabilityE-commerce facility
availabilityBullion Bars
availabilityBullion Coins
availabilityNumismatic Coins
availabilityInvestment/Retirement Vehicles

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