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Italpreziosi SpA


Italpreziosi SpA

Strada A, 32
Loc. San Zeno
52100 Arezzo

Tel: +39 0575 383041

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From the Italpreziosi SpA website:

Italpreziosi was founded in 1984 and is a main operators in the production, refining and trading of precious metals, production and trade of investment gold based in Arezzo, Italy.

Thanks to the latest generation technologies and plants with an impact close to 0, in addition to having a central position in the value chain, Italpreziosi represents the strategic partner for all operators in the precious metal business, offering complete solutions for mines, banks, jewelry manufacturers, and industrial and private consumers. Our commitment is to guarantee the highest quality standards in compliance with ethics and sustainability principles.

Melting gold ingots are made with advanced technologies and machinery that allow obtaining a very high quality accepted by the international banking market. All ingots have purity between 995/1000 and 999.9 / 1000, intended for use in the various production processes in the industrial and goldsmith sector and for Italian and international banks and private investors.

Services / Products Available

availabilityE-commerce facility
availabilityBullion Bars
availabilityBullion Coins
availabilityNumismatic Coins
availabilityInvestment/Retirement Vehicles


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