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SETI team

Bullion.Directory actively supports the SETI project (Search for Extra Terrstrial Intelligence)

We use our office computers during downtime to process data from the SETI project’s radio telescopes.

This may sound complex, difficult or resource hungry – but it isn’t.

seti-screensaverIn fact to add computers to the SETI network, all you need do is download some software from the SETI website.

This software will then download some tasks and run them in the background when your computer is otherwise not being used – and you get an attractive screensaver showing the live scans being undertaken.

So if you’ve got some spare computing capacity and want to help SETI sift through mountains of data, join the Bullion.Directory SETI team.

All precious metals dealers joining our SETI team get a lifetime premium listing in our precious metals dealer directory, worth $500.

We will also list all members of our SETI team on our SETI team page with live links to their website.

Register for the SETI project     Join our SETI team

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