Why Nobody Talks About Ballooning Federal Deficits
Plenty about the year ahead is unpredictable – but massive federal budget deficits and unrestrained borrowing are a certainty.
Full Article →Why You Should “Follow the Money” on The Yellow (and Silver) Brick Road
Since the Federal Reserve detached the dollar from the gold standard in 1971, the world’s central bankers – with the Fed leading the charge, have flooded the world with fiat currency to the point of diminishing its purchasing power to shadow status.
Full Article →Cracks in the Bullion Banks’ Price Management System
Cracks Spread in the Bullion Banks’ Price Management System Bullion.Directory precious metals analysis 18 November, 2019 By Clint Siegner Director of Money Metals Exchange Department of Justice prosecutors charged a […]
Full Article →What to Do NOW in Case of a Future Banking System Breakdown
Monetary Madness Puts U.S. Dollar Holders in Jeopardy Bullion.Directory precious metals analysis 12 Novemberber, 2019 By Stefan Gleason President of Money Metals Exchange Why? Because the banking system may not […]
Full Article →Buy Gold Online announced the completion and launch of their precious metals price comparison engine today. The website allows users to compare prices for gold bullion, silver, platinum and palladium investment products from the world’s most reputable mints, refineries and online bullion dealers.
Full Article →GOLD PRICES slipped but held on track for the highest weekly close in 6 after new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics said the United States jobs market was stronger than analysts expected in October.
Full Article →Direct Bullion Limited (Direct Bullion), the London-based gold and precious metals firm, has today opened for business in the United States with its first office outside the UK in Miami, Florida
Full Article →GOLD held little changed Wednesday morning ahead of the US Federal Reserve’s October decision on Dollar interest rates and QE asset purchases, trading at $1491 per ounce as world stock markets also moved sideways.
Full Article →Our chosen metaphor is the three-legged stool. Take one leg away, and the stool topples. In the case of silver, the outcome is likely to be a violent price rise of epic proportions.
Full Article →Why Nobody Chants “End the Fed” Anymore
The wealth transfer from Main Street to Wall Street looks set to continue unchallenged. When the next bubble pops, Americans may again remember why a central bank which responds to every problem by printing vast sums and handing it to other bankers is a terrible idea.
Full Article →Gold “Just Sits There”
Gold, which “just sits there” retaining value over time, looks even more compelling if the alternative is holding cash which is guaranteed to depreciate.
Full Article →GOLD PRICES reclaimed last week’s closing level in Dollar terms Wednesday as tensions between Nato military alliance members the US and Turkey worsened over Syria and Iran, while new data showed US retail sales defying analyst forecasts
Full Article →Powell Denies Fed Using Financial Crisis Tools
Telling obvious lies with a straight face is part of Powell’s job description. He hopes to maintain order even though anyone who is paying attention knows something extraordinary is going on.
Full Article →An opinion poll from Donald Trump’s favored Fox News channel says the President faces strong US public backing for impeachment over allegedly asking Ukraine to investigate domestic rival Biden.
Full Article →Monetary Madness Puts Dollar in Jeopardy
They may not call it “Quantitative Easing,” but in September Federal Reserve officials launched a massive new campaign of liquidity injections that will expand their balance sheet by hundreds of billions of dollars. This was all prompted by trouble in the overnight lending “repo” market, where a lack of liquidity caused interest rates to spike to multiples of the Fed funds rate.
Full Article →Warren Charts Wealth-Raiding Warpath to White House
One of Warren’s signature campaign promises is to impose a “wealth tax.” It would introduce a dangerous new concept into the tax code – namely that the government gets to tax not just capital gains on investments, but also the market value of investments and other household assets taken together.
Full Article →GOLD PRICES regained all or most of this week’s prior loss against all major currencies on Wednesday in London, trading up to $1488 per ounce for Dollar investors as world stock markets sank following New York’s plunge on the weakest US manufacturing data in a decade.
Full Article →Maybe you didn’t buy gold at $1,100, or $1,250 or $1,350. Perhaps you kept waiting for the arrival of a well-known analyst’s call of $700. (Whose tune has now changed to predicting $1,800!). What to do now?
Full Article →Will Cheated Investors Be Paid Damages?
Gold and silver investors have been watching the Department of Justice investigation of criminal price rigging at JPMorgan Chase and other bullion banks carefully…
Full Article →JPMorgan Chase and other bullion banks spent most of a decade screwing clients and investors who were naive enough to expect a fair shake in the precious metals futures markets. It was a solid racket.
Full Article →Will War Drums, Inflation Fears Ignite Gold and Silver Markets?
Few investors are positioned to cope with the rising risk of war in the Middle East. Few are prepared for the prospect of persistently higher energy prices and higher inflation. Even fewer are taking steps to insulate their portfolios from future black swan events
Full Article →A “Looming” Recession Is a Golden Opportunity
It’s the most widely anticipated recession in history. The recession hasn’t arrived yet – and may not do so anytime soon – but the mainstream media still can’t stop talking […]
Full Article →Investing in Metals? You Need This
The bullion business is competitive, and buyers can easily evaluate dealer ask prices. In this internet age, people are more inclined and able to evaluate pricing than ever. It’s easy to compare one merchant’s offer with another.
Full Article →Gold Up on Labor Day as Bullish Bets Set Record
GOLD PRICES rose Monday morning as Washington and Beijing put additional tariffs on each other’s exports and new data said hedge funds increased their bullish betting on bullion to a new all-time high last week.
Full Article →GOLD PRICES held on track for the highest monthly finish in 6.5 years in Dollar terms in London on Friday, heading for a $100 per ounce gain this August.
Full Article →Will Silver’s Surprising Summer Surge Continue?
Just a few weeks ago, silver naysayers told us we’d have to wait months, or even years, before the market made a big move. Now they are eating their words! The white-hot metal surged past $18.50/oz this morning to reach its highest level in more than two years.
Full Article →The PRICE of gold bullion bars retreated but held near multi-year or record highs against most currencies in London trade Thursday, edging back as major government bonds also slipped while global stock markets rallied.
Full Article →GOLD BARS traded in London’s wholesale market slipped to 2-week lows against most major currencies except the Euro on Thursday, losing 1.5% for the week so far as longer-term interest rates rose from their recent all-time lows in the bond market on news that the US Federal Reserve is cautious about cutting interest rates further.
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