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Minesh Bhindi’s Gold And Silver For Life: Review

perfect-portfolio-logoNOTE: Minesh Bhindi’s Gold and Silver for Life Program is now run under the Perfect Portfolio brand, fully updated for 2019 and priced at a more affordable £2997. It can also be bought as part of a larger investment strategy suite.

To access the current free webinar, click here.

Minesh Bhindi’s Gold And Silver For Life promises cash-flow and annual returns as high as 26.4% from gold and silver.

In an in-depth Gold And Silver For Life Review, Alison Macdonald asks if these bold claims are simply too good to be true…

Gold And Silver For Life’s Minesh Bhindi has grown to become synonymous with gold and silver trading, known throughout the precious metals and investment communities for his free trading webinars and regular five-figure mastermind groups.

In September 2016, Minesh is launching his once closed-group Gold And Silver For Life program to the general public, giving open and free access to whoever comes up with the course fee (£4k*) and required seed money (£5k) to make the initial investments.

Minesh claims to cash-flow precious metals to produce monthly returns over and above any market appreciation, and suggests his unique trading system can outperform gold by 1394% on a 10-year investment. Monthly returns of 1-2.2% from gold?   Seriously?

If his product does indeed deliver on these bold claims, then this would be the Holy Grail of gold investing.

Most importantly, can someone with no prior experience of precious metals investing copy his methods and do the same?

Gold and Silver For Life Review

Alison Macdonald

By Alison Macdonald
Commercial Editor at Bullion.Directory

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Company Details:
Gold and Silver For Life

Level 30
40 Bank Street
London E14 5NR

Tel: +44 (0) 844 586 5445

Of course you simply can’t go around making these kind of claims without someone checking their validity – and today that someone just happens to be me.

One thing I’ve learned working at Bullion.Directory is that the precious metals market is filled with sharks – sharks circling to take a saver’s hard earned money through overpriced products sold under false promises.

Yes they may only be a few “bad apples”, but these bad apples have deep pockets to ensnare ever more victims. Even well known companies, trusted by thousands can “do a runner”, with several big name US-based precious metals dealers going to the wall in 2014-15.

More recently Dubai’s biggest online gold dealer closed it’s doors amidst fraud allegations leaving distraught customers hundreds of millions of dollars out of pocket.

So while gold is undoubtedly a safe-haven investment and useful hedge against financial crisis, it’s no good if someone takes it from you.

Trust is all in precious metals. Remember that.

Tasked with carrying out an in-depth study and review of the Gold and Silver For Life course, I’ve been through the whole $14,000 system, examined every module, followed all the videos, read the PDFs, bought the postcard – and put Minesh’s theory into practice.

Does Gold and Silver for Life make sense? Does it work? Will it work for you?

Besides who is Minesh Bhindi – and why should anyone listen to what he says?


Gold and Silver For Life: The Claims They Make


Minesh Bhindi owns and runs Gold and Silver For Life (see directory listing), a UK and Belize based bullion dealer working internationally with retail and corporate investors.

Unlike many dealers we list, Gold and Silver For Life recommend a combination of physical and paper (ETF) metals. Not only that, but these gold and silver ETFs form the bedrock of Gold and Silver For Life’s entire cash-flowing strategy.

Shocking to the ears of many a gold bug I know, but yes Minesh is a very big fan of trading in paper gold.

minesh bhindi - gold and silver for life ceo
Gold & Silver For Life CEO Minesh Bhindi

Of course diversified assets can be useful in creating a balanced investment portfolio, and in his consulting role with wealth management company Reverent Capital, Minesh advises the world’s wealthiest how to protect and increase their assets focusing on gold and silver backed funds, securities, equities and real estate.

Where Gold and Silver for Life deviates even further from the norm is that unlike most precious metals companies where advisers may make suggestions as to what gold and silver products clients should purchase, Gold and Silver For Life is dedicated to teaching all clients exactly how to profitably trade gold and silver for themselves.

In other words what to buy, when to buy it, when to sell and how to sell it.

This is achieved through Gold and Silver For Life’s training program, free webinars and gold trading mastermind group based on the same “institutional investment method” Minesh uses with his high net worth clients at Reverent Capital.

The strategy Gold and Silver For Life teaches is claimed to take approximately 20 minutes to two hours per month to manage with average monthly returns of between one and 2.2 percent of capital invested.

This would suggest a $10,000 dollar investment would provide an expected monthly return of between $100 and $220, (always remembering past results disclaimers) or up to a 26.4% return per year…

Indeed looking at Gold and Silver For Life’s (Now Perfect Portfolio) homepage we read “An Income Of 12% To 26.4% Per Year… Just Like Real Estate!” with the page going on to say it has proven profitable in 39 countries with a 92% (independently verified) success rate.

So a $220 monthly income, whilst not a life changing figure is still a lot more than the interest rate provided by even the most generous of bank accounts in these days of Zero Interest Rate Policy.

This would theoretically make Minesh’s program of real interest to those looking for a bank alternative.

At this point Minesh pushes the income-claim boat out further in predicting potential 10 year returns on a $10,000 investment – by comparing an investment in physical bullion with an investment using his method – and allowing for a 300% term increase in gold prices and 1-2.2% cash flow monthly.

This comparison produces an end-value of $30,000 for the vanilla-flavor bullion investment, and an eye-popping $418,240.86 finish for the investment utilizing his strategies – or a 1394% better performance over that of the base asset (These returns are based on buying very close to spot price and “cash-flowing” the 1-2.2% monthly return for compounding purchases).

Now as an outsider I’m willing to take these figures with quite a large grain of salt and my first thought on reading claims like these is to look for a small print earnings disclaimer, which Minesh does indeed display.

However even cutting these predictions by a half and doubling or trebling the time required to manage the investment, there is still a very good ROI.

So these are the marketing claims. How about the reality?


Inside Gold and Silver For Life: Full Review


In this Gold And Silver For Life review I’m going to detail all aspects of the course from initial sign up, to study and onto my results.

Going into it, I have some very limited trading experience from several years ago and much of what our in-house analyst Chris says about trading charts goes completely over my head.

I downloaded the MT4 trading platform a year ago and turned it on once, I have never bought or sold options, ETFs or indeed any type of trade online.

In this respect I’m a complete “newbie” – so it could be an interesting experience and a real test of the course’s teaching ability.

If I come out of this trading and in better profit than if I’d simply bought metals with my joining fee I’ll consider it a success.

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The Sign Up Process


Before signing up I attended one of Minesh’s free webinars. The one I sat in on was very well attended and ran to three hours long which consisted of a 15-20 minute introduction to Minesh, his company and gold.

There was then an hour of actual “meat”, followed by an hour and a half of questions and an interview with a current client. I have linked to a replay of the webinar I attended here.

In the meat section I heard what I’d call really well put together arguments for buying gold – some of which were actually new to me.

Up until this point I’ll admit I’ve been heavily prejudiced against precious metals ETFs in favor of physical bullion and I’ll admit Minesh pretty much demolished many of my long-held gold-bug beliefs.

We also learn what the course / mastermind training is all about. At it’s most basic it boils down to trading in precious metals ETF optionsselling puts and calls. Only with a twist.

Throughout the webinar, Minesh continuously reinforces that this is a long term investment strategy and not for short-term gains – ie it is not “Get Rich Quick”.

We also learn that admittance to the group is by no means guaranteed and all applicants must have a telephone interview before acceptance – before any membership fees are taken. This is designed to ensure only serious investors apply and to weed out the inevitable Get Rich Quick junkies drawn in by the promise of big money returns.

I like this. Provided he actually does weed out unsuitable investors and those after 100% returns in a month, this is really good news.

I like that he’s upfront about this as so many trading courses are sold on the promise of instant wealth – and 1-2.2% monthly can hardly be called instant wealth – however the long term forecasts are definitely getting my greed gland flowing, even if I remain doubtful at this point about their veracity.

The actual sign up process for Gold and Silver for Life is quick and for the most part painless – and thanks to the recent introduction of “Results Based Financing”, mastermind group members no longer have to come up with $14,000 at the outset, instead paying a small deposit with the rest due when the member has made a clear profit of £100,000 or $150,000.

This does instill a huge amount of confidence – well this and the six month guarantee for a full course-fee refund.

Who Is Minesh Bhindi?

minesh bhindi of gold and silver for lifeLarger than life, enthusiastic and charismatic Brit, Minesh is one of these people who started working while still in daipers. At 16 he was already trading in real estate.

By 17 he’d struck a £1million property deal, when most of us were still in school – and it was around this time that he began trading stocks and shares as a hobby alongside his growing property empire. As happens with an active mind, the markets began to take up more and more of Minesh’s time and it was then that he started developing his now famous trading strategy, first in stocks and later in Gold ETFs.

Lifelong workaholic, Minesh still handles a huge portion of his business day-to-day activity including dealing with his loyal customers, where he claims a zero refund rate, despite big-ticket consulting and training fees.

His consulting work at Reverent Capital and personal property portfolio keeps his interest in real estate going and he recently shared the stage with acclaimed property investment “Wealth Dragon” John Lee at the Ultimate Wealth Summit.

All the same signing off £3997 for an online training course does have a real capacity for instant buyer remorse, make no mistake!

Thankfully all this goes without a hitch and a matter of hours later I have the keys to the private members area of the site. Actually quite exciting even for a jaded cynic like me – I’ve never been in a mastermind group for anything!

Gold and Silver For Life Members Area


Successful sign up gives instant access to the members only area – the place where all course materials are accessed.

This secure area is entered with a username and password created during sign up.

The welcome page inside the members area covers a simple fast-start process to bring everyone, even those completely new to trading (like me), up to speed.

It includes a brief introductory video from Minesh and a four-step video-by-video guide to setting up the required training charts and demo trading accounts.

I did hit a small problem immediately in that the course videos didn’t display on my screen – due to them using an adobe player my web browser (Safari) didn’t support – however swapping over to Internet Explorer or Chrome and everything worked perfectly.

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Fast start took me just over an hour. During fast start, I got up and running with my free trading software and at this point I was glad to have two monitors. Although not essential, it’s something you may want to invest in if you’re going to be taking trading seriously. I felt a bit like Gordon Gekko.

With the fast-start section completed I got stuck into the main coursework, with the Gold and Silver For Life training consisting of two main parts, a set of regularly updated study materials and a continuing live weekly mastermind call.

On the time front it’s estimated that following all of the course start-up materials will take 6-12 hours, with a further 1-3 hours to complete broker account sign ups – and 25 minutes to set up trading charts for the first time.

I was pleased to see all elements of the members area were clearly laid out with logically presented menus and sub menus meaning all course modules are easy to locate despite the quantity of training materials.

Thoughts on the Members Area

As I mentioned, the area was mid-way through a rebranding so there were different logos showing in a few of the sections. I was also surprised the video player didn’t work in firefox.

Neither of these were problems – I’m sure they’re both related to bringing the member’s area into line with the look and feel of the homepage – and they don’t affect usability or the actual content.

I expect that when the course is launched to the public in September 2016 all will be running as it should.


GASFL: Training Materials – Video, Audio & PDF


The actual training materials consist of 7 modules, each split into separate logical sections walking through each step of the process. Each section typically contains a video, downloadable PDF file and an audio MP3 file giving multiple options for a study method.

The quantity of training does seem overwhelming at first glance, but the reality is there are just over 6 hours of video training, with supplemental files simply there to back up the video content. In all, this training took me two weeks to get through in my spare time at a good leisurely pace – and I’m a slow study.

The video training consists of a combination of recordings from mastermind training groups, video slideshows and screen-casts.

The recorded mastermind sessions let you piggyback onto live training sessions without having to actually sit in a hot hotel meeting room frantically taking notes and this is where I really see the benefit of a pause button – and home study.

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The video slide shows and screen-casts are well narrated, presumably by Minesh and in my opinion offer an even better experience than the recorded live sessions.

The PDF files are mostly showing slides from the mastermind training or useful cheat sheets and the audio files cover key sections of the video training.

NOTE: The unique strategies used by Minesh and his mastermind group are understandably covered by a non-disclosure agreement and so I’m unable to reveal the detailed content of the modules or sub-sections in this review. I will summarize the training as best I can within these restrictions, but please note I am purposefully missing out key parts – effectively the “secret sauce”.

Module One: Introduction To Gold & Silver Investing

This expands on Minesh’s free webinar training, which all members will have seen prior to signing up, and examines different methods of precious metals investment, from that of a regular retail investor up to the strategies of large scale institutional investors.

He examines the psychology of trading, looking at why so many people fail and introduces the beginnings of his big strategy reveal.

It’s an important module for absolute beginners in that it sets the scene for what’s to come, and even if you already know a bit about gold investing or trading, the psychological element covered in this module is genuinely interesting.

module one screen grab from gold and silver for life course

Module Two: Buy BMV

This module provides the big reveal and where the strategy at the heart of Gold And Silver For Life is looked at in detail with a number of real world examples and some important calculations.

Module Three: Monthly Cash-Flow From Gold & Silver

Module 3 reveals the second key element of the strategy – that of creating cash flow from the gold and silver investments. After the fundamentals, there’s practice with two different products to really drill home the method and it’s function.

Module Four: Practical Implementation & Workthrough

The fourth module contains a lot of practical examples and follow-along workthroughs. This sets the 2-part strategy discussed in modules 2 and 3 firmly into the memory and will allow for smooth trading when using real money as opposed to the virtual account. As with anything practice makes perfect and when I’m trading my own money I want a lot of practice.

Module Five: Build Your Gold & Silver Fund For Free

Part 5 studies building your fund – for free – and looks at little-known institutional buying methods, which Minesh copies to great effect.

Module Six: Hyper-Compounding Your Wealth

Module 6 is described as a bonus module and I have to say of the all the modules within the course it’s the one module that really opened my eyes to possibility.

Module Seven: Your Action Strategy

A it’s name suggests, module 7 provides an easily actionable strategy – part of which is actually quite a big ask, but essential to the process. Thankfully the training will allow a dedicated student to pass what amounts to a test, the passing of which allows the member to trade at a professional level, with all the legal implications involved.


Thoughts on the Training Modules

In theory you could sit and watch all the modules back-to-back, but this is in no way like binge-watching a Netflix series. There is a lot of material to take in during these training sessions and I found myself making a lot of notes.

Funnily enough I somehow managed to plough through a 600 page textbook on trading last winter – a dry and painful process – so I know there’s a lot more to trading than what is covered in Minesh’s 6hr’s worth of video content, however this is no bad thing.

I would need to re-read that 600 page textbook another 5 or 6 times and repeat it’s exercises again and again before I could even claim to be a beginner trader.

Not the case with Gold And Silver For Life. It quickly becomes clear that Minesh is not teaching us to be traders in general, but more laser focusing in on a single element of trading – with any unnecessary information being stripped away. This is designed to foster an immediately actionable ability to carry out a proven profitable trade strategy at a high-skill level, something that could take months or even years practice otherwise.

Perhaps it’s this ridding the subject of noise and distraction that gives Minesh Bhindi trainees a 92% success rate – I for one see that even though my trading skillset on a whole is still at a very basic level, I am now immensely skilled at doing the one thing that’s essential to profitability in gold and silver.

In short thanks to this training I’m now a badass at buying and renting options in precious metals. I’ve gone from zero to being able to apply for an advanced trading account, which is like the trading version of a commercial pilot’s license. A Big Deal and quite a responsibility.

On another note, it’s abundantly clear this trading method is not for all personality types. If you’re a gambler please stay away as you’ll ignore Minesh’s strict system and go off-reservation, which will result in big losses.

Personally I’m a bit of a gambler, so I’m aware I’ll need to take extra caution. This is not a fun method, it’s not an exciting method – in fact it’s as unexciting as trading can possibly get, so it’s essential to resist the urge to add a bit of an edge.

What I’m saying is if you can follow instruction with a cold detached business-like mind, you’re most way there.


GASFL: Live Weekly Trading Calls


The modules are there to get you set up, explain the strategy and walk through the trading process. Where they form the bedrock of the course, it’s the weekly trading calls that complete and build upon the training to a whole different level.

I made the mistake of jumping onto the first call without having worked through anything other than the fast-start training section and very quickly found myself out of my depth. However by the time of the second call I was fully up to date with all the modules and this provided a whole different experience.

Calls last between half an hour to 90 minutes depending on how many questions there are and depending on what the markets are doing the live calls offer further actionable opportunity.

The calls are at a set early-evening time slot (UK time), so would be late night Middle East and Asia, midday East Coast USA and breakfast time West Coast – something to bear in mind – as they are essential to the course.

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You rapidly grasp just what a likeable guy Minesh is and it’s really clear how much passion he has for the subject and knowledge he has in this sector of the trading universe.

If there are any gaps in your understanding of what is required, live calls very quickly fill you in and any lingering issues can be sorted immediately in the Q&A session afterwards.

I was also interested to see that recordings are available for every single live call since Minesh Bhindi launched the program and I found going back and listening to a few helped a great deal in my general grasp of the process – it also provided a very useful way of checking recordings to put past predictions against what the markets then went ahead and did – and amazingly this did back up Minesh’s 92% success claim.

Thoughts on the Live Calls

These offer extraordinary value and where I first thought course fees covered one year of live calls, or 52 in total, it turns out these are a lifetime deal.

I’ve simply not seen this before with any other training or mastermind group – especially at this price point – where lifetime access to live calls is included. If you consider the norm is a monthly fee of $250-$800 for weekly live calls and trading signals, or a significantly higher entry price for this type of training it’s clear just what a deal this is.

One thing I’ll say is Minesh does get quite excited at times and when he does he speaks quickly – so if you’re taking notes, write fast – or make use of the recording afterwards.


Conclusion: Does Gold And Silver For Life Work?

In a word yes. I had my doubts – in fact I had HUGE doubts. I must be the world’s biggest cynic – and marketing boasts and big claims tend to set my teeth on edge. But… having gone through all the materials, set up trading accounts and attended live calls – I am now trading – and what’s more I’m in profit.

aha-momentWhereas before I wouldn’t have touched a gold ETF in a month of Sundays (through my typical gold-bug’s deep-seated prejudice to paper anything) I now know this small section of the market inside out.

In fact I feel a little awkward and frankly embarrassed at my stone-age opinions pre-study. Also a bit mad at the wasted years since gold’s last big peak – a long time where my physical bullion holding has done absolutely nothing except sparkle tauntingly.

I could’ve been trading paper gold throughout this period and made money, all while gold’s been dead in the water. I haven’t and didn’t. But I am now.

The funny thing is Minesh’s underlying concept is utterly and ridiculously simple, it’s like why didn’t I think of this before. You buy investment real estate and rent it out, providing for income and capital growth, so why on earth not gold?

Important Questions

Am I up on my account?


I am not by any means raking in huge amounts of money yet, especially given my initial starting investment was less than Minesh’s recommended amount. But then this is not the type of gig for a person looking to make a lot of money “by next week” – instead it looks to offer a consistent way to create cash flow from what’s otherwise a non-productive investment.

Saying that, I did extremely well during the “Brexit” vote and feel I’m very well covered ahead of the US Elections…


Is the course worth the money?

I’d say definitely – IF you opt for the results-based financing.

With this payment method, you only pay the bulk of the training fee AFTER you’ve made a clear £100k profit. When I’m £100k or $150k up, I’m not going to begrudge making that payment! Would it be worth £14k up front? It would probably be worth it, but I’d be very wary until I’d tested the system for at least a year.


How soon would you make the cost of the course back?

This will depend on your trading pot available. If you have £20k you’re set to make your initial investment back within the first year, not including any increases within the price of gold and silver.

As I mentioned, my starting pot was a lot smaller and so I wouldn’t expect to repay my initial investment in course fees for at least two years, possibly more. If gold and silver rise in price during this time, the payback period will reduce dramatically. Again – remember past results are no guarantee of future earnings and precious metals can go down as well as up.


What if it doesn’t work for me?

Minesh claims 92% of members turn a profit and says this is a verified figure, audited by an independent third party.

Should you be one of the 8% who break even or make a loss – there’s a full money back guarantee where provided you can show you’ve made trades according to the method taught, you’ll get your course fees back in full.

It was this guarantee that played a huge part in my moving forward with the course.


Gold and Silver For Life Overall Rating  

Content ★★★★★

A highly-focussed course in a potentially very profitable trading niche.

Quality ★★★★☆

Some smaller elements inside the members area seem a little rushed.

Value ★★★★★

Lifetime access to live calls and updates makes this a near no-brainer.


Gold and Silver For Life: Final Words

I’m actually delighted I took this course. I have a means to make money from gold no matter what the markets are doing – and at the same time I’m massively increasing my position for when gold inevitably hits it’s next cyclical peak – which it will as sure as the seas have tides.

I really hate to admit it, but I was beginning to fall a little bit out of love with Gold. For someone working at a Bullion website, that’s a terrible thing. This course has shown me there’s much more to gold than buying physical bullion for the long haul.

I’m back loving gold again – and I owe much of that to Minesh and his Gold and Silver For Life course.


Join Minesh’s Free Gold Trading Strategy Webinar   BOOK FREE PLACE  

Watch A Past Webinar Replay (Jan. 2018)   WATCH REPLY  

Apply Directly to Join Minesh’s Gold Trading Study Course   APPLY  

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