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Casey Law Group


Casey Law Group

9990 Coconut Road
Suite 342
Bonita Springs
FL 34135

Tel: (239)498-6999

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From the Casey Law Group website:

At Casey Law Group, P.L. we are proud to call ourselves Patriots. We are inspired by the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and the rest of our Founding fathers. These men put their life, liberty, family, and personal fortunes on the line for the sake of the greater good to advance a society based on the laws of nature and nature’s God.

Inherent within these laws is the belief that all people are created equal and are endowed with the inalienable rights to control their own destiny and the freedom to be the person they desire to be. In short, they laid the foundation of the American Dream.

Services / Products Available

availabilityIRA Tax Professional
availabilityIRA Attorney
availabilityGold IRA / 401k Advice

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