Gold and silver have resumed their upward price movements again this week. And…buy the dip wins again!
Last week we wrote that the gold/ silver ratio was 89.45 and at that level silver usually makes an upward move. So far since that writing and as of this writing silver is up 3.3%. Gold is up 2.6%.
Ira Bershatsky

Ira Bershatsky is founder and Managing Member at Advisor Metals, a boutique Gold IRA Specialist, uniquely qualified in the industry and focused on extraordinary customer care without high cost premiums.
Enjoying 44 years in the business, Ira is the only person in the physical precious metals industry with a Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Federal registration, meaning that as an advisor, everything Ira says to his clients is factual and fully transparent, without the typical sales pitch or all too common hype.
Ira Bershatsky

Ira Bershatsky is founder and Managing Member at Advisor Metals, a boutique Gold IRA Specialist, uniquely qualified in the industry and focused on extraordinary customer care without high cost premiums.
Enjoying 44 years in the business, Ira is the only person in the physical precious metals industry with a Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Federal registration, meaning that as an advisor, everything Ira says to his clients is factual and fully transparent, without the typical sales pitch or all too common hype.