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As We Hit 1666 Listings Why Do I Feel Uneasy?


As our bullion dealer listings got into the mid 1600s I started feeling weirdly unsettled about what was inevitable. And now it’s happened.

Alison MacdonaldBullion.Directory News 29 January, 2024
By Alison Macdonald
Commercial Editor at Bullion.Directory

1666-listingsNow I’m not a particularly superstitious person, nor am I religious, but just having THAT number center stage on our home page feels a bit icky.

I know that 1666 listings, should be no different than 1665 or 1667, and yet this is a number that’s giving me a bit of pause.

It’s funny, isn’t it, how certain numbers can evoke such strong feelings?

I’m more or less rational, most days and yet here I am creeping out that our homepage has become wrapped up in dark forces, and it got me thinking on numbers in general and their impact on what’s dearest to my heart.

Gold prices.

You see numbers are more than mere digits; they carry meanings, superstitions, and influence our decisions in ways we often don’t consciously realize.

From hotels and high-rise towers skipping the 13th floor to the lucky allure of 888, random numbers are steeped in symbolism and hidden power.

(Personal experience sidenote here: my apartment actually IS on the 13th floor and I got it cheap because of this. It was the only floor with availability in an otherwise sold out development. Certain friends won’t visit. I’m serious.)

And DO NOT get me started on numerology.

But it’s not just in daily life; in trading markets, reaching certain numerical thresholds will trigger significant reactions – not due to anything other than thousands of traders all seeing a number holding a certain pattern, and all making decisions based on this pattern like some form of mass-hysteria.

Humans have a deep-rooted tendency to assign meanings and significance to numbers and this phenomenon is evident in various superstitions and cultural beliefs.

As I already mentioned the number 13 is often considered unlucky, leading to its omission in building floors and room numbers. Conversely in some cultures, numbers like 888 or 7 are seen as extremely lucky, symbolizing wealth and prosperity.

And central to today’s article, the number 666 carries, shall I say, certain negative connotations due to it’s associations with a certain character in a certain well-known book.

Beliefs like these highlight how much numbers can transcend their simple mathematical value, influencing emotions, decisions, and behaviors in often profound ways.

Numbers play a significant role in our daily lives, influencing behaviors and decisions often without us realizing it. Culturally, numbers hold various meanings; in Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered extremely lucky due to its phonetic resemblance to the word for prosperity. In contrast, the number 4 is avoided as it sounds like the word for death.

Then there’s apophenia, often referred to as patternicity.

Apophenia is the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns within random data. This concept extends to interpreting significance in numbers, shapes, and various objects, even when they are inherently random.

Who doesn’t see their clock say 11:11 (or 22:22 in Europe) far more often than seems normal?

It’s a common phenomenon, highlighting how humans often seek order and meaning in randomness, influencing perceptions and decisions in everyday life and in complex scenarios like financial trading.

So we have the psychological impact of key numerical milestones in trading and investments, which can be profound.

Take the instance of gold breaking the $2000 barrier and then holding it. This event wasn’t just a new high in the market; it represented a psychological threshold for investors and traders, impacting their perception of gold’s value and influencing their investment strategies. Round numbers, like this $2000 mark, serve as implicit targets or resistance points in the minds of traders.

Again there’s no truly logical reason why 2000 should be any different to 1986 or 2016 yet these figures become focal points in the market, where significant buying or selling activities often cluster, leading to increased volatility around these levels.

The importance attributed to such round numbers demonstrates their influence in shaping market sentiments and decisions.

The human tendency to seek order and meaning even in the randomness of market movements elevates these numerical milestones to almost mythic status, thereby affecting the collective behavior in financial markets.

And so in the realm of finance and daily life, there’s often a tug-of-war between rationality, superstition and thousands of monkey brains looking for satisfying round numbers.

While logical decision-making is based on factual data and reasoned analysis, superstition draws on beliefs and sometimes irrational interpretations of signs or symbols. In financial decisions, this dichotomy is evident when traders rely on numerical superstitions or gut feelings rather than market analysis.

The influence of superstition can and does overshadow rational strategies, leading to decisions based more on psychological comfort or cultural beliefs than on financial fundamentals.

To wrap things up, numbers do wield significant influence over human psychology and behavior. This power is evident everywhere we look, in all aspects of life and it can be particularly pronounced in financial markets, where numerical milestones can dictate trading behaviors and strategies.

And ultimately, understanding the psychological impact of numbers can provide valuable insights into market dynamics and the effect our strange beliefs and need for order can have one them.

Now, I just need to wait on another listing to come in. Meanwhile nobody mention “the devils metal” and I think we’re good.

Alison author Alison Macdonald

Ask Ally, is your direct line to gold investment wisdom. Alison “Ally” Macdonald, with her extensive experience and sharp tongue, cuts through clutter to offer honest, insider takes on your gold investment questions.

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The responses provided by ‘Ask Ally’ are strictly for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Alison Macdonald’s insights and opinions are based on her personal experience and knowledge of the gold industry and should not be taken as professional financial guidance. Before making any investment decisions, we strongly recommend consulting with a qualified financial advisor. Bullion.Directory and Alison Macdonald are not liable for any financial actions taken based on the information provided in this service.

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  1. Looks like the 1666 didn’t stay for long so you can rest easy

    • Ha ha indeed! But do you want to know the weirdest thing?

      The company listing that removed that devilish number?

      Divine Trading DMCC

      Mind blown.


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