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David J Mitchell

David J author David J Mitchell

David is the founder of Indigo Precious Metals, a Singapore-based bullion dealer and investment advisory service, working directly with HNW individuals, family offices and investment funds, both locally and globally.

With a strong history in macro analysis coupled with trading head roles at several major investment banks, David is as much known for his unbiased and detailed research as his phenomenal success growing client funds, especially during difficult financial periods.

How to Pick a Gold Bullion Dealer – Without Getting Stung

How to Pick a Gold Bullion Dealer - Without Getting Stung

As an investment, Gold can be hard to beat – but picking the wrong bullion dealer can cost you much more than time, money and stress. So how do you ensure you choose a dealer best suited to your needs?

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David J Mitchell: Investing During a Crisis

David J Mitchell: Investing During a Crisis

We’re in the grip of a severe deflationary collapse, widely predicted ahead of time. This has been an ongoing development and has been picking-up speed since the major cycle turn of December 2015. Hard data actually points to the major cycle turns between 2002 and 2003 when data…

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Platinum’s Exciting Potential – in 5 pictures

Platinum's Exciting Potential - in 5 pictures

Investors across the world are moving into precious metals to protect themselves against the currency and monetary system debasement that is taking place globally, but what are the metals that hold the most exciting investment return potential?

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David J author David J Mitchell

David is the founder of Indigo Precious Metals, a Singapore-based bullion dealer and investment advisory service, working directly with HNW individuals, family offices and investment funds, both locally and globally.

With a strong history in macro analysis coupled with trading head roles at several major investment banks, David is as much known for his unbiased and detailed research as his phenomenal success growing client funds, especially during difficult financial periods.